The features of Java is given below
1. Object oriented: Java is object oriented programming language.
2. Simple: Shimla with C and C++ can easily migrates to Java like C++no header files are included with increased cod unnecessarily.
3. Robust: developers does not worry about memory allocation error this is possible by JVM. It does not relay on operating system for memory management.
4. Distributed:random for good day available in same system heartburn system in general areas.
5.Secure: JVM needs bytecode files as it's executable.
6. Architecture neutral: JVM does masturbating like memory management, process management does not relay on OS.
7.Portable: sim card can run on all platforms irrespective of the architecture is.
8.Interpreted: the source code is compiled into bytecode and then the bytecode is interpreted as at every execution to the native code.
9Multi Thread: programs written in language like C and C ++ have to use OS provide API to achieve multithreading, but the Java provides an abstraction over this OS provided API by providing its own API for achieving multithreading.
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