Write a Bash script to print count of numbers, count of vowels and count of consonants in a given text - Tecnew

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Write a Bash script to print count of numbers, count of vowels and count of consonants in a given text

Write a Bash script to print count of numbers, count of vowels and count of consonants in a given text

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Below Bash script will give the output count of Numbers, Vowels, and Consonants

echo -n "Enter a line of text: "
read string
numCount=$(echo $string | grep -o "[0-9]" | wc -l)
vowCount=$(echo $string | grep -o -i "[aeiou]" | wc -l)
consCount=$(echo $string | grep -o -i "[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]" | wc -l)
echo "Count of vowels $vowCount, $consCount consonants and $numCount numbers in it."

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